Monday, August 11, 2014

Michael- Whoever becomes humble like this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven.

The disciples approached Jesus and said,
“Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven?”
He called a child over, placed it in their midst, and said,
“Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children,
you will not enter the
Kingdom of heaven.
Whoever becomes humble like this child
is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven

And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me.  
- Matthew 18:1-5

Humility is a difficult posture for many to embrace or follow.  Human pride tends be the major road block for an individual to act in humility.  In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus calls us to become humble like children.  What does this look like?  A child's humility is innocent and non-threatening.  The humble child is able to trust without reservation or fear.  Children allow their parents to lead them; and so like children, we are called to be humble to allow God to lead us.  It through humility we realize that God is everything to us and for us.  It is God who works through us.  We are but humble instruments ready to bring God glory through songs of service and praise.

During the CrossFit Training Prayer Challenge, let us pray for humility, so we can allow God to work stronger in our life.  Let us become like humble children who have a pure faith in our Heavenly Father!

Let us pray!

1 comment:

  1. Day 11 of Prayer Challenge (St. Peter St. Paul Parish)

    August 12 — Reflection:
    It's a rare person who doesn't have something to worry about and some people worry even when they don't have something to worry about. Their lives are filled with visions of catastro¬phes waiting to happen. No doubt that is more a matter of temperament than of anything else.

    A remarkable feature of Jesus' peace is that it doesn't depend on our temperaments or any circumstance. It can overcome any barrier and abide in our hearts even in the presence of true catastrophe. When he visited the apostles in the Upper Room after his resurrection, he found them filled with fears and discourage¬ment. Yet Jesus was able to dispel their grim mood with a few words, conveying his peace (Jn 20). He continues to give his peace to his followers even today. At the very moment when we feel most disturbed he is suddenly present to our minds to assure us that all will be well, for he is with us.

    Lord, I believe that your light can penetrate any darkness and that your power can over¬come any obstacle. Nothing in heaven or on earth can separate me from you. Come to me and abide with me this day. I surrender my worries to you
