If I had a dollar for all the times I have resolved to "be better" at prayer and not actually done it then I'd be RICH. (and I'd be sinning way less! you know what I'm saying?!) The thing is, we cannot commit ourselves to a course of action without choosing a course in the first place. We are resistant to commitment because we are indecisive, or afraid of failing, or ____________ (fill in your excuse). No matter how much we deny it, the fact remains that we perform better if we know what it is we are seeking to accomplish, and the (general) guidelines for how we will get there. So what is your goal?
The CrossFit Training Challenge is to commit to trying to pray for 30 days in a row. Can I do it? I'll be honest here - it's going to be hard! I have NEVER had a consistent habit of daily prayer. Not even when I was a missionary! But I am going to COMMIT to this challenge, because I want to be better than I have been in the past. And because I feel the Lord calling me to DAILY time with Him. And because everyone else is doing it, so why not?! (even if you're just here for the bandwagon, that's great! He'll take it!) So if you feel intimidated by the idea of praying consecutively for 30 days because you've never had a consistent prayer life, you are not alone - you're my people! :) We can do it together, one day at a time. I think that really will be the key: to keep our eyes fixed on one day at a time, in trying to get our prayer in today (each day) and not thinking so much about the daunting task of the big picture.
The next step is to set up a framework for what you will do each day for prayer. Prayer is a SUPER broad topic, right? Where to begin? First, consider HONESTLY, what your current prayer life looks like. Do you already have a specific prayer time every day, or does your prayer right now consist of grace before meals, and bed time prayers? (For the record, if your prayer life now is grace and bedtime prayers only, you already have a beautiful foundation laid for deeper prayer! So don't be discouraged!) Consult the handout that is being distributed after all Masses for the whole month of August for some great prayer ideas! My advice: start small. I can't go from my daily prayer of grace before meals and bedtime prayers to reading the Bible for an hour, praying a rosary, making a Holy Hour of Adoration AND reading about the Saint of the Day, every day. I need to be practical. What is a goal that I can actually see myself accomplishing daily based on my current schedule, discipline, and DESIRE for prayer? Listen to the things that make you feel excited or interested! That is probably a way of prayer that resonates with your spirituality.
5 ideas that have helped me in the past
Read the Gospel reading of the day - here is a link to the month of August on the USCCB website, just click on the day and it will take you to the readings
Create a cozy prayer space that you will go to daily for the purpose of prayer - your body and soul will be cozy and rest in the presence of God more easily (just be careful not to fall asleep! :)
Create a cozy prayer space that you will go to daily for the purpose of prayer - your body and soul will be cozy and rest in the presence of God more easily (just be careful not to fall asleep! :)
Sit in silence for just 3 minutes, ask God, "Who are You? Who am I?" and just listen for 5 minutes or so, close with an Our Father, Hail Mary, and a Glory Be.
Two words: Gregorian Chant. Pandora. That's three words, but they are three GREAT words! Pandora has a Gregorian Chant Radio. Turn it on, and feel your whole body relax! Let your soul and mind be turned toward Heaven as the monks chant the prayers of the Church.
Praise - 1-2 minutes praising God for Who He is. You can sing a praise and worship song, or hymn, or just praise Him ("God you are loving. You are merciful. You are the Savior of the World...)
Praise - 1-2 minutes praising God for Who He is. You can sing a praise and worship song, or hymn, or just praise Him ("God you are loving. You are merciful. You are the Savior of the World...)
Reflect - Read a passage from Scripture (maybe the Gospel reading of the day) and reflect on it asking this: "God, what do you want to show me through your WORD?" (3-4 minutes)
Ask - 1-2 minutes of asking God for the grace you need. FIRST ask for the grace to accomplish what he revealed to you through scripture a few minutes ago. What do you need from God? Think: spiritual gifts and graces, not necessarily material things. AFTER you have asked for yourself, spend 1 minute asking for needs of those you love and the world.
Yield - 1-2 minutes surrendering the will of the Father. "You are God, I am not. I yield to Your control and your will for me." Close with an Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be.
BONUS TIP: Prayer Journal. Do it. Small little moleskin journal or something. Date the top, write down even just one word that strikes you during your prayer. If you have any thoughts, realizations, burning desires, etc. Write. Them. Down. It will help to track your journey of prayer, and it is amazing to go back and reflect. I do it mostly because I'm a "journaler" and I love to write. But the number one reason I have a prayer journal: BECAUSE I NEED TO BE REMINDED THAT GOD SPEAKS TO ME IN PRAYER. It sounds silly, but sometimes I forget that God is with me, and that he hears me. My journal is a reminder of all the times that God actually "showed up" and spent time with me during prayer, and that is amazing. And I need the sense of "accomplishment" that I can see that I actually prayed.
Also, sometimes the most daunting part of prayer can be: "what am I supposed to say?" If you are someone that struggles with thisquestion, or feels uncomfortable with spontaneous prayer (thinking up the words as you go), do not forget that there are hundreds (if not thousands) of prayers written by SAINTS that we can use for prayer. These prayers were good enough to get those men and women to Heaven, and we can pray the same words they did! You can find some of these prayers on the USCCB prayer page.
Now the killer part...the plan! I know myself that I have to take the plunge and write down (sometimes publicly). Please remember that each of us is so very different and in very different places with very different spiritualities and schedules! This is MY commitment for the CROSS FIT Challenge.And yours will look different, because you are a different person! Here comes MY PLAN:
1. I am going to pray everyday for 30 days (but I'm going to try not to think so much about the 30 days part, and just focus on each day).
2. If I happen to miss a day (although I am going to try my darndest to not let that happen), but IF it does, I am going to say "Lord, I am sorry I missed my prayer yesterday. Help me to forgive myself and start new today." And I'm going to keep going. Are there any perfectionists out there that here me on this?
3. I'm going to pray with the Pray As You Go podcast everyday on my commute to work (I live in Fullerton). FIRST THING, so I don't get distracted and forget.
4. I'm going to write down any thoughts that strike me during prayer (when I get to work and am no longer driving). And hopefully think about those thoughts of prayer throughout the day.
Feel free to post YOUR prayer plan for the Cross Fit Training Challenge in the comments below. Let this space be a place of community and encouragement! Invite a friend to take the plunge with you and hold each other accountable! I'll be checking in with you as often as I can and sharing some of the ways the Lord speaks to me, and I pray you'll do the same!
Let us pray!
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